About Us

Founded in 2013, Valar Semiconductor Co., Limited has been an in-stock distributor of electronic components, striving to meet customer needs through top-quality electronic components and services.

We specialize in new&original hard-to-find, obsolete, end-of-life, and high-demand components, with an in-house inventory of over 7,000 unique items available for immediate delivery. Ensuring quality, each item is rigorously tested and verified before delivery.

Meanwhile, leveraging our extensive supplier network and highly experienced professional team, we are committed to delivering reliable, timely, and top-quality customized solutions to our customers.

Our Core values



Our goal is to build lasting relationships based on trust and respect. Our clients trust us for on-time delivery of the top-quality electronic components, time after time.

Our strengths are rooted in a professional and experienced team, competitive in-house inventory, a reliable supplier network, and a robust database system.

Delivering Your Needs — Defining Our Success.